Seviche, ceviche or ceviche, is perhaps one of the most recognized typical dishes that Peru has; and although its origins are still unknown and disputed by others, it is a culinary delight that has been prepared for many years, making it a representative of Peruvian food.
Peruvian Pisco: the story behind the iconic national drink
Many years and colonies are those that date back to give life to pisco, extracted from various grape strains, including aromatic and non-aromatic, being until now a perfect drink for cocktails for its versatility in the mix and favorited worldwide. Continue reading “Peruvian Pisco: the story behind the iconic national drink”
The peruvian gastronomy: a diversity of flavors with many years of history
A transcendental travel that begins several centuries ago, being a key point for the mega diversity of species of plants and animals that give rise to a variety of cuisine which served today a number of dishes that are difficult to find in other place of the planet.
Continue reading “The peruvian gastronomy: a diversity of flavors with many years of history”
The richness of the Peruvian gastronomic culture expressed in the gourmet restaurant “Cuchara de Palo”
Traditional place in Pisac with the best gourmet food prepared by expert chefs in the art of the cultural gastronomy, with the richest cultural flavor rooted in every detail that communicates more than 5000 years of Andean culinary cuisine.