Wealth of Peruvian Cuisine

Peru’s diverse geographic regions and natural biodiversity, along with invaluable Pre-Columbian agrarian technology and engineering feats, such as exact calendars based on astronomy, enigmatic architecture used as instruments to secure data from the stars, sun and moon, advanced irrigation systems and in depth agriculture science that has gained admiration the world over, has made great contributions to people worldwide by bestowing upon all of humanity this invaluable ancestral agrarian heritage. In such, Peruvian cuisine offers some of the most diverse flavors on the planet due to a myriad of produce: potatoes, corn, fruits, chilies that come in an infinite array of sizes, colors, tastes and aromas unique to this region. Quechua world vision is centered on agriculture. All activity revolves around farming. Science, ceremony, ritual, was and still is focused on fertility and abundance.

The extensive pre-Columbian road system and the organized relay runner system known as chaskis, allowed for the transportation and exchange of these varied products. For example, fresh fish from the coast was available to the Andes, adding to the evolution of a very complex cuisine. All of these factors make this one of the world’s finest culinary traditions. Furthermore, immigration from Africa, Asia and Europe, the internal migration between provinces, combined with the modern refinement of culinary technique, all make for an exciting culinary scene. Today, Peruvian cuisine continues to flourish, and Peru has become known as a destination for foodies, offering culinary delights to those interested in gastronomy at any level. This culinary explosion is catching the attention of local and foreign connoisseurs alike. Lima currently has more chefs’ schools than any other city in world, providing a young generation of chefs and culinary experts. Top Peruvian chef Gastón Acurio, one of the driving forces behind promoting and celebrating Peruvian gastronomy, sees this movement as a tool for social transformation and empowerment. His documentary, Perú Sabe, La cocina, arma social, was presented at the UN in New York. It depicts Peru’s booming culinary scene as an inspiration for a generation of youth in the region and around the world, with more than 80,000 culinary students in the country, giving them the passion and freedom that allows them to transform their lives.

Cuchara de Palo participates in this social empowerment vision by highlighting the subtle combinations of highly nutritious and legendarily delicious flavors found in Peruvian Cuisine. We feel strongly that delving into the flavors, scents and colors of food is a very important way of experiencing and understanding culture. If you too share a passion for cuisine, consider our Peruvian Cuisine Journey, which offers exciting hands-on cooking events with top chefs and traditional marketplace cooks alike.

The opening line in a Latam magazine article on Peruvian cuisine says that one cannot necessarily recognize a Peruvian by their features, accent or color, but definitely by what they are talking about. It is always food! This is absolutely true, and the majority of those who visit Peru leave with the lasting impression that the food is phenomenal!